Leadership Workshops

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others"
(Bill Gates))

Corporate structures are changing and leadership has changed as well – the working world is becoming more and more dynamic and demanding. The patriarchal style of leadership has long been outdated and buzzwords such as servant leadership, empathy and soft skills are floating around. It takes innovative and time-efficient methods such as equine-assisted coaching to make these theoretical concepts more tangible and to put them into practice.

In our equine-assisted leadership workshops the participants experience and learn:

  • to lead themselves
  • to find their personal leadership style
  •  to develop their soft skills
  • to better read and understand their employees from a psychological point of view
  • to better understand team dynamics when visualized through the herd dynamics of horses
  • authentic leadership through bonding with the horse in the employee role

The workshop agenda is dynamically composed of joint exercises with the horses, individual sessions, breaks for reflection along with a theoretical part about psychology and a conclusion with impulses for each participant and his or her individual work situation. A follow-up discussion will take place approximately four weeks after the workshop. We are also happy to accompany your managers selectively in-house after the workshop.

The advantages of leadership coaching with horses: With this form of coaching, the participants receive a very vivid representation by the horses. Participants therefore still talk about situations with the horse that were particularly memorable for them many years later.

Moreover, in contrast to coaching in meeting rooms, equine-assisted coaching appeals to all the senses. This is called senso-emotional learning and provides a more sustainable learning experience. Another advantage is the three-dimensional feedback consisting of the different perspectives of the group, the coach and the horse – with the feedback from the horse being one hundred percent neutral.

The main focus in our leadership workshop is on self-leadership, authentic leadership through genuine connection, mediation and appreciative employee communication. It also focuses on finding and developing the leadership style with which one personally feels best.

Do you, as a company, wish to have charismatic leaders who know how to create an optimal working environment in which your employees can develop to their full potential? If so, we would be happy to get to know you and your employees and to develop your employees!

Logo Pferdegestütztes Coaching

Equine-assisted Training Workshop “Leading better”

Dates by arrangement
1- to 3-day training possible

Whether you are an experienced manager or a young professional – this workshop with horses will help you to reflect on your role as a leader and supports you in mastering challenges or in the further development of your soft skills. How do I see myself as a leader? How do my employees see me as a leader? How would I like to lead?

How would I like to lead? We will find answers to these questions in this workshop.

Further information and a detailed workshop agenda are available on request.

Demo coaching in advance is possible.

Logo Verena Lienhardt
Lusitanos Live - Persönlichkeiten führen

Equine-assisted Training Workshop “Leading better as a woman”

Dates by arrangement
1- to 3-day training possible

This workshop focuses on the challenges female leaders face in their daily work. In this training we want to strengthen your self-confidence with the help of horses and support you in finding and developing the leadership style you feel most comfortable with.

Further information and a detailed workshop agenda are available on request.

Demo coaching in advance is possible.

Logo Verena Lienhardt
Lusitanos Live - Persönlichkeiten führen

In-house Workshop with Horsepower

Dates by arrangement
1- to 3-day training possible

Servant leadership, flat hierarchies, home office – leadership has changed and continues to change. In our equine-assisted training workshop we will help your managers to reflect on their role as leaders. The main focus is on self-leadership, authentic leadership, mediation and employee communication. With the help of the horses, each manager will find the leadership style they feel most comfortable with.

Further information and a detailed workshop agenda are available on request.

Demo coaching in advance is possible.

Logo Verena Lienhardt
Lusitanos Live - Persönlichkeiten führen

Strategy Workshop Next Level

Dates by arrangement
1- to 3-day training possible

Are you looking for new ideas for your departmental or corporate strategy? Do you have the feeling that you are going round in circles? Are you open to unconventional tools? Do you have the courage to move out of your comfort zone?

Let yourself be surprised by this inspiring, special place and by the efficiency and outcome of a strategy workshop with a difference.

Further information and a detailed workshop agenda are available on request.

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